Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. On the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the arrival of St. Anthony Mary Claret...

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. On the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the arrival of St. Anthony Mary Claret...
Barcelona, Spain: The closing of the bicentenary of Fr. Clotet, co-founder of the Claretian Missionaries, was...
The Bicentenary year of Fr. Clotet has been marked by a wealth of reflection and activity. Fr. Juan Carlos Martos CMF,...
Rome, Italy. After the success of “A Forbidden God”, (Un Dios Prohibido) a film about the Claretian Martyrs of...
From November 1868 to October 1879, our Congregation found a safe haven in southern France to pass the revolutionary...
Rome, Italy. Two new books on the founders are out in the market. One is the short biography of Saint Anthony Mary...
On December 23, the anniversary of the birth of Fr. Founder, a new biography of Claret has been published in Italian...
Madrid, Spain. At 12 noon of Monday, March 5, 2018, the doctoral dissertation defense of Fr. Carlos Enrique Sánchez...
Vic, España. On Saturday, November 4, the day after the memory of the death of Fr. Josep Xifré i Mussach, cmf, third...
Rome Italy. On November 4, the Community of the General Curia in Rome held a formative and spiritual day on the...
Coimbra, Portugal. On November 1st the Portuguese edition of the Autobiography, published on the bicentennial of the...
Roma. On October 24, 2012 the Claretian Family in Rome came together to celebrate the feast of St. Anthony Mary...
Santiago de Cuba. After the first leg of his trip to Mexico, Pope Benedict XVI has continued his pilgrimage to...
Dijon, France. The Benedictine Abbey of San Giuseppe de Clairval, in its “Spiritual Letter” of February 29, 2012, has...
Madrid, Spain. Detail of the new image of St. Anthony Mary Claret designed by Marko Ivan Rupnik for the “Chapel of...
Rome. The General Government and those of us entrusted with the mission of information wish the whole Congregation and...
Bangalore, India. On October 3rd in Bangalore, India the English “Bicentennial Edition” of the Autobiography was...
Segovia, Spain. With a solemn Eucharistic celebration in the Church of the Rosary at the Royal site of La Granja...
With these encouraging words from St. Anthony Mary Claret, we send our greetings to the whole Congregation on the...
Sallent. Monday 21th June, there was the solemn celebration of the 175th anniversary of the first mass of Claret in...
Solsona. On June 12, coinciding with the liturgical Feast of the Heart of Mary, the 175th anniversary of the priestly...
Vatican City. Some fifteen thousand priests of the whole world went to St. Peter’s Square on the evening of June 10....
Spain. On the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the appointment of Fr. Claret as President of the Royal Monastery...
Italy. “Padre Antonio M. Claret” community of animators-educators is born Italy. In the afternoon of Friday, November...
Spain. The Real Academia Española de Historia has started the publication of the Biographical Spanish Dictionary. It...
Spain. Today, December 23, is the anniversary of the birth of Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Archbishop and founder of the...
Spain. On April 6, Sunday, at 18:00h a Parish dedicated to St. Anthony Mary Claret was inaugurated in Pamplona. A new...
Spain. On April 2, at 20:00h, Fr. Antonio Bellella delivered a conference on Saint Anthony Mary Claret in the new...
As far as we know, no one thought of describing the birth that December 23, 1807. We would have liked to know the...
Rome. The second of the three conferences on Claret which we had already announced took place in the conference hall...
Kenya. The local press took notice of the meeting, which Claretians in east Africa held to observe the bicentennial of...
On August 29, Bishop Romà published a pastoral letter, Here I am, Send me, in observance of the bicentennial of the...