Communication from Kenya

Jan 3, 2008 | JPIC, Solidarity & Mission, St. Charles Lwanga

From a communication to Fr. General, we extract this information that expresses the situation our brothers are living at this moment:
Kenya. It has been a most challenging moment for the country and for our mission here.

The political impasse may degenerate into a full blown war if not well managed and now.
For the passed four days people have been sleeping with their two eyes open.

The impact of the four day political mayhem has been felt all around us. Some of our christians and neighbours have had their house and shops looted or burnt. Some families had to seek refuge in our house especially on monday when the crisis was most felt in our area.Now there is uneasy calm everywhere. The number of peolple attending mass has dwindled rapidly and members from the kikuyu tribe are hardly seen as they seem to be more hit by the crisis. Movement for us is highly restricted but we try to do the much we can through visits to our christians and appealing for peace and reconciliation.

We continue to pray that the leaders find a constructive way of settling the impasse so that things may come back to normalcy.

We thank you and the brothers for your prayers and we continue to request the same for an enduring peace in Kenya.

Wishing you and the brothers a New Year of continual peace and blessings.

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