Premiere of the film “Claret” in Vic

Oct 4, 2021 | Catalunya, Congregation, Noticeboard, Sanctus Paulus

Vic, Spain. The film “Claret” was very well received in the city of Vic, where Claret founded the Congregation of Missionaries Sons of the Heart of Mary. The film was premiered on Friday, October 1 at 5:35 p.m. at the Multicines-Sucre. Two more screenings will be held on Sunday, October 3 and Wednesday, October 6.

The large audience, about 80 people, was made up of religious, lay people, Claretians, and even the Bishop of Vic, Msgr. Romà Casanova, with his secretary, Mn. Jaume Casamitjana, attended. Dolors Arqués, the Provincial Superior of the Dominican Sisters of the Annunciation, Sr. Maria Rosa Masrramon, and the local superiors of almost all the numerous religious communities of Vic. Among the laity were many parishioners of the Temple-Sulchre of St. Anthony Mary Claret, members of the Casal Claret, Lay Claretians, and various friends of the Claretian Community.

Before watching the film, Fr. Carlos Sanchez, historical advisor of the script, made a brief presentation of some keys to better understand the film. You can access the text read by clicking on this link.

The spontaneous reactions from the audience were very positive. Most of them said that it was a great film. The Bishop said that “the life of Claret is really a life of a movie” and that the film will help many to know more about the real story of a great evangelizer and to feel urged to bring the Gospel, like him, whatever the circumstances in which we live.

Other reactions from among the viewers

“A job well done, especially the music that accompanies. The actors all very identified with their respective roles; the one who plays Claret, despite having a totally different physique, by his way of acting, speaking and gesticulating facilitates understanding. I had the feeling that as the film progressed, I found myself identifying more and more and I was getting into the spirit of Claret. The coherence with which he lived and acted is transmitted. I recognize the advantage that it gives me, to follow the film, to know his story and to be able to live his spirit” (Dolors Serradell, Lay Claretian).

“Watching the film has been a spiritual and artistic joy. Knowing the history of the 19th century and, above all, knowing Claret, has been a plus for me to capture symbolisms, situations, and realities. I wish and pray that the film will be a very suitable instrument, so that St. Anthony Mary Claret is known and the Claretians with their fidelity show the relevance of his message”. (M. Teresa Llach, Carmelite of the Vedruna Charity).

“It has been a long time since we went to the movies as a family. My son Dani, a 13-year-old teenager, my husband and I came away from watching the film with a beautiful life lesson. It was evident in our faces and in the other people in the room. During dinner, we chatted about the film; my son was surprised by Claret’s performance towards the marginalized, the weakest and his fight against slavery. The three of us agreed that, apart from a masterful cinematographic work, “Claret” is a rigorous and necessary history lesson. In addition, it contextualizes the origin of the persistent falsehoods about his life. The feature film shows the multiple facets of Claret’s work and the depth of his legacy” (Josep Corral, Silvia Sanabria and Dany).

“At a time when slavery, politics and the position of the Church were very different from today, Fr. Claret strove to find and create new ways to be a missionary and to stand up to the powerful in favor of the poor, even at the risk of his life. “Claret” has seemed to me a good opportunity to know better the character and the difficulties of Claret in the stage of Cuba and, later, as Confessor of the Queen” (Ramón Benito, collaborator of the Casal Claret of Vic).


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