1st Claretian Educational Exchange (Africa-Europe) Commenced

Nov 9, 2018 | Apostolate, East Nigeria, Education Ministry, Santiago, St. Charles Lwanga, West Nigeria

Madrid, Spain. Six Claretians from the Claretian Province of East Nigeria, and the Independent Delegations of West Nigeria, St. Charles Lwanga (Kenya and Tanzania) are participating the 1st Claretian Educational Exchange Program arranged by the General Prefecture of Apostolate in close partnership with the Province of Santiago. For the next 9 days, they will have a chance to share about their African context and see how the evangelization through education is held in Europe.

As “win-win” experience, those who came from Africa and those who are hosting the group will learn and network while journeying together during this exchange. They will be learning: Congregational approach in Education, Education Ministry, Claretian and Catholic Pedagogy, Innovation, Organization, Teachers Training, Claretian Board, etc. They will also visit different Claretian Schools, parish-based schools, other school models, and see the apostolate in Claretian University Residences.

This program runs from 10 – 18 November 2018. On February 9 – 17, 2019, a second African group will have a similar opportunity. Then, about a year from now, Claretians and teachers from Santiago Province will visit one of the Major Organisms of the African participants.

Aside from this initiative, a great investment has been made to specialize Claretians on this field, dozens of schools have been recently built in Africa, and an Educators Congress is being organized in Equatorial Guinea in 2020.

If you want to know more about the goals and program of this 1st Claretian Educational Exchange, know about the echoes of the participants, view some pictures as the program unfolds, you may visit the General Prefecture of Apostolate website and its respective social media accounts.

Excahnge Program


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