Canonical Visits of 2024 to the ACLA Conference

May 22, 2024 | Congregation, ACLA, General Government

The General Canonical visits for this year, 2024, take place in  ACLA conference. These visits began after the celebration of Easter. The visits as an extraordinary act of government, aim at helping the General Government to engage with various organisms, understand the activities undertaken within the Conference and offer guidance in the forms of suggestions and recommendations to help them realize their missions. The Members of the General Government, representing the Superior General, are in different organisms within the ACLA Conference to conduct the said visits.

Independent Delegation of Cameroon

From the 1st of April to the 9th of May 2024, Fr. Henry Omonisaye, CMF, made the canonical visit to Cameroon. After visiting all the communities (15) and the mission, speaking with each member of the delegation and dialoguing with some bishops and the laity in the areas, the delegation had three meetings on 6 May 2024  with Fr. Henry, with local superiors and members of the Enlarged Council, with the Prefecture of the Bible and Communication, with the Cybermissionaries, the Secretary and the Council. On 8 May 2024 the canonical visit ended with a Mass of thanksgiving.

Independent Delegation of  St. Charles Lwanga

The canonical Visit in St. Charles Lwanga Delegation is being conducted by Fr. Carlos Enrique Sánchez Miranda, C.M.F., the General Prefect of Spirituality and Community Life.  On the 2nd of April 2024, Fr. Carlos met with the delegation council to discuss the upcoming canonical visit in the delegation curia in Nairobi. The following day, on the 3rd of April 2024, he started the visit in communities, starting with Kenya. He then travelled to Uganda and later to Tanzania for the same. So far, he has visited more than two-thirds of the communities (19). He is expected to finish by the end of May 2024.

Independent Delegation of Mãe da África 

The ongoing canonical visit of the Mãe da África delegation (6) is being led by Br. Carlos Verga, CMF.  The visit began in the Madre de Deus Community in São Tomé and Príncipe on 5 May 2024.  Bro. Carlos was received by Dom João de Ceita Nazaré, Bishop of the Diocese of São Tomé and Príncipe; by the civil authorities, by the Mayor of the District of Me-Zochi, Mr Anahori Espírito Santo, and by the President of the Republic, Mr Carlos Manuel Vila Nova. The current visit will continue throughout the month of May.  

Province of East Nigeria 

The visit to the Province of Eastern Nigeria (20) is carried out by Frs. Pedro Belderrain and Joseph Mbungu-Mutu, CMFF. Fr Pedro began his visit to the Province on 15 April 2024 in Ghana, while Fr Joseph Mbungu began on 7 May 2024 in Chad.

The canonical visitors visited and interacted with the Bishops and lay faithful of the various dioceses where the Claretians are present during their stay in Ghana and Chad.  It was a rejuvenating experience for the members of the Province who received the canonical visitors in their places of mission and a moment of joyful expectation for those who were yet to receive them.

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