The last day of the Spirituality Congress commenced with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the morning, presided by Fr. Carlos Sanchez, General Prefect of Spirituality and Community Life. Mr. Miguel Angel Sosa of the Lay Claretian Movement animated the integration of the morning prayer in the mass. In his homily, Fr. Sanchez reminded us how, during these days of Congress, Jesus has spoken to our hearts and instructed us on how to live spirituality and eventually be sent to preach to various places.

At 10:15 in the morning, we gathered for the last time at Episcopal Museum of Vic for the final presentation of Fr. Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF and Fr. Gonzalo Fernandez, CMF entitled “How to be missionary mystics today?” The talk focused on the four spiritual practices that summarize some essential traits of our charism: adoratio (Eucharistic adoration); missio (mysticism in mission); conversatio (spiritual conversations); and, traditio (dedication to the Immaculate Heart of Mary).

After a short break, participants were divided into four groups to reflect and share how the four practices could be applied to different contexts and carried out in concrete ways. The following facilitated the final set of workshops: Fr. Gonzalo Fernandez, CMF (Eucharistic Adoration), Fr. Anthony Igboke, CMF (Mystic in the Mission), Fr. Edgardo Guzman, CMF (Spiritual Conversations), and Fr. Juan Carlos Martos, CMF (Cordimarian Mysticism).
In the afternoon, the Claret Museum was opened for those who wanted to spend some prayerful time before the “Foundation Room.” At 4:30 PM, we gathered at the Claret Temple for the Plenary facilitated by Fr. Carlos Sanchez, where we shared both in small groups and in plenary, our lived experiences of the Congress, as well as practical suggestions on how to proceed after the Congress. The plenary ended with Fr. Carlos thanking all the participants and everyone who are responsible in making this Congress possible.
The day ended with the Vigil on the 175th Anniversary of the Founding of the Congregation presided by Fr. Mathew Vattamatam, CMF, Superior General. It was followed by an agape at the patio.

Communication Team