Claretian Mission Day 2020

Apr 15, 2020 | Apostolate, Mission Alive, Mission Procure, Noticeboard

Claretian Mission Day 2020 is coming up. We are celebrating it on the 2nd Sunday of Easter, at the end of an extraordinary week. It is in this horizon of the Resurrection that we want to illuminate our lives and the pilgrimage in each and every one of our missions. It is the living Spirit of Jesus Christ who continues today to act, through us, for the good of humanity.

On this coming Sunday, as we celebrate the Claretian Mission Day, we will be in deep solidarity with all the individuals, families, communities, countries of the whole world, but mainly with those who are suffering the most from the consequences of this prolonged passion due to the coronavirus.

We continue to be very grateful for the commitment of closeness and missionary presence in so many peripheries.

Although a vast majority of our churches, schools, and other pastoral ministries are closed during this time of quarantine, we remain very committed to many other social works in service of the most vulnerable in society. And these brothers and sisters are confident that we will continue to be by their side and that they will not lack the essentials to lead a more dignified life.

Therefore, we ask you to help us support the Claretian Mission with your prayer, with your work, with your voluntary activity, with the generosity of your sharing. Besides, you can pass this message to your friends and contacts, because we are all in the same boat, doing good to others as we have learned from Jesus Christ.

A thousand thanks. And once again, Happy Easter!

Artur Teixeira, CMF
General Prefect of Apostolate & President of the Foundation “Proclade Internazionale ONLUS”.


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