Claretians from Chennai in meeting

Jul 19, 2012 | Chennai

Ranchi, India. From July 12th the entire provincial council, Delegation council, former provincials of Chennai and members of Economic and pastoral commissions were in Claret Vidyaniketan the minor seminary at Ranchi (kolkata Delegation).

We had an evaluation of the performance of provincial council during the past 2.5 years and made resource based pastoral planning on July 12 and 13.

We had diaconate ordination on 14th. Student Basant Kispota( the wheel chair bound brother) was ordained as Deacon along with Kashmirkerketta.

There was training for the newpriests 15th and 16th. We had a happy foundation celebration along withthe minor seminarians . Very good liturgy and food and celebrations…

The firstyear students are 35 in number in the seminary and for them this is the first taste of the congregational celebration. They were very joyful and eagerly learned about the foundation story. The formation team is committed and we all were happy about the performance and life of students. God bless you.

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