On 31 May 2024, the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Claretian Organisms in India celebrated...

On 31 May 2024, the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Claretian Organisms in India celebrated...
Kerala, India. The year 2024 was one of immense joy and deep gratitude to God as the Province of St Thomas was blessed...
Kolkata, India. The Quinquennium for the young Claretian Missionaries of the Western Conference of the Claretian...
Karukutty, India. The second edition of the Claretian Discerning Leadership Workshop (CDLW) for ASCLA West was...
In a series of ordinations to the sacred orders and religious profession across different Claretian Major Organisms...
Maputo, Mozambique. The inaugural Assembly of Mozambique Mission took place from 25 to 27 September 2023, in Maputo,...
Karukutty, India. The Claretian Province of St. Thomas recently hosted two significant events, the Local Economes...
Karukutty, India. Local Superiors of the Claretian Province of St. Thomas gathered from August 24 to 27, 2023, at the...
In an effort to address the growing concerns regarding cyber threats and the need for digital security in educational...
On May 31, 2023, on the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Claretian Major Organisms in India...
Badlapur, India. His Excellency, the Most Reverend Mar Thomas Elavanal, MCBS, Bishop of Kalyan, blessed the newly...
Karukutty, India. In the joyous Easter Season of 2023, the St. Thomas Province celebrated the ordination of five...
It has been a long-standing tradition at the Institute of Consecrated Life: Sanyasa (ICLS) to organize a national...
During the 5th Provincial Chapter of St. Thomas Province of Claretian missionaries being held from 7th to 12th...
Kerala, India: St. Thomas Province of Claretian missionaries celebrate their 5th Provincial Chapter from 7th to 12th...
And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the...
We are Missionaries in the Digital Continent, and we provide qualified Service there. [QC 72. C] Karukutty, India. As...
Karimannoor, India. On May 10, 2022, His Excellency Mar George Madathikandathil, Bishop of Kothamangalam Diocese,...
Kerala, India. On 10th November 2021 two students, Stu. Thanninilkumthadathil Albin and Stu. Muthuplackal Jose made...
Kerala, India. His Exc. Mar Thomas Tharayil, Auxiliary Bishop of Changanachery Archdiocese, Kerala conferred Order of...
Palai Kottayam, India. Deacon Tibin Pazheparampil, CMF was ordained to priesthood on 3rd May 2021, by His Excellency...
Kerala, India. On 31 October 2020, four students, Kuruvanmackal George, Madathaniyil Joseph, Pazheparambil Joseph, and...
Kuravilangadu, India. The Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Presence of Claretian Missionaries in India concluded...
Kanjirapally, India. On 20th June 2020 at St. Sebastian Church, Punchavayal, Kanjirapally, Kottayam, Rev. Thomas...
Palai, India. On June 10, 2020, His Excellency, Mar Jacob Murickan, Auxiliary Bishop of Palai Diocese, ordained to...
Wardha, India. The General Government granted consent to start the Novitiate Program at Claretian Ashram Wardha,...
Ernakulam, India. The Superiors Meeting of the St. Thomas Province of Claretian Missionaries took place on August 29...
Ragama, Sri Lanka. All Provincial and Delegation Secretaries of the ten Organisms of Asia underwent a training...
Bengaluru, India. Forty-eight Young Claretian missionaries from the five Indian Major Organisms gathered at Claret...
Madurai, India. The ASCLA West Parish Priest’s Meet 2019 took place on August 6 to 8, 2019 at the Pillar Institute,...
Bengaluru, India: The Golden Jubilee Year of Claretian presence in India was inaugurated in Bengaluru on July 15,...
Bengaluru, India. The Claretian Missionaries in India prepares for its 50th year of presence in the country (1970 -...
On Friday, May 31, 2019, five Students made their First Profession, two Perpetual Profession and 16 Students renewed...
The General Assembly of the St. Thomas Province of Claretian Missionaries was held on Wednesday, 29th May evening...
Cheeral, India. The Blessing of the Extended building of CARE Home Center at Cheeral, Wayanad, Kerala, and the...
Ernakulam, India. The ASCLA West Missionary Meet 2018 begins today, November 27, 2018 at the Claretian Provincial...
Madurai, India. Teachers and Administrators from the different educational centers in India and Sri Lanka gathered...
The Video is about Claretian's ARK (Action and Relief for Kerala) a social initiative of St. Thomas Province of...
Thiruvananthapuram, India. The situation of Kerala which undergoes the biggest flood of this century is becoming worse...