Diaconate Ordination in Kolkata Delegation

Oct 5, 2020 | Chennai, Kolkata, Ordinations

Barrackpore, India. On 29th September 2020, on the auspicious day of the Feast of the Archangels, Kolkata Independent Delegation celebrated this year’s diaconate ordination ceremony at 6:30 am in the auditorium of Claret Nivas, Barrackpore. Most Rev. Thomas D’Souza, Archbishop of Kolkata, conferred the order to six Claretian students, namely Abinash Toppo, Robert R., CMFF (Kolkata Delegation), and Ashish Pani, Francis Kumar, Jichoriyo Nayak, and Shyam C., CMFF (Chennai Province). One Vincentian brother, namely, Daniel Lourdu Raj, was also ordained together with them. Some Claretian priests from Ranchi, Sahanagar, and Masagram, the Vincentian Regional Superior, Rev. Fr. Vincent, and other Vincentians, priests, and brothers from Morning Star College, neighboring religious sisters, and representatives from Rupantor Parish participated in the function.

They had a beautiful liturgical experience, and the instruction given by his Grace to the deacons was inspiring. After the Holy Eucharist, A felicitation program for the newly ordained deacons took place. It concluded with the fellowship breakfast at 9:45 am.


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