Rome, Italy. On July 16, 2021, Fr. Mathew Vattamattan, our Superior General, launched the new website of the Claret Publishing Group with all the Claretian Publishing houses present online along with some collaborators. This new website gathers all the Claretian publishing houses in the Congregation on a single online platform.

The site is available in three languages: English, Spanish, and Chinese. Portuguese and French forthcoming. The website’s purpose is to establish common visibility, highlighting the Bible Diary, published in 27 languages and more than one million copies every year, as the signature product of the Claretians. Also, we foresee to build a collective clientele base to benefit from all the available resources and on the archive that we have, for internal use, will all the books publish by Claretians through the years.

After the launch, a collaborator watching the event sent a voice message:

“What I liked the most –metaphorically speaking– is the number of windows to the Word from different paths, alternatives, and possibilities, opening to the diffusion of the Word universally. A site produced multiculturally in terms of image and communicative signs in the pastoral field and the private field. I think it is the first time that something so universal in the diffusion of the Word and multi accessible has been done.”

Claretian Communications is present in the five continents, creating a world pulpit as servants of the Word. Fr. Claret would have been in the frontline of this ministry. Subscribing to this new platform will bring many resources (many for free) for your ministry. Welcome to!


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