Missionaries Till the End and After: Forge 06/22 Concludes

Dec 22, 2022 | The Forge, Spirituality and Community Life

Forge 06/22, which began on October 9, 2022 with 17 participants from 15 major organisms and hailing from 9 countries, concluded on 20 December 2022 with a solemn sending forth Eucharist, presided over by Rev. Fr. Miguel Angel Velasco, former general prefect of apostolate, and concelebrated by Rev. Fr. Manuel Tamargo, the general prefect of economy, Rev. Fr. Angel De La Parte, prefect of economy of the hosting province of Santiago, representatives of the Colmenar Viejo community and CESC, and all members of the Forge cohort.

The Eucharist began with a beautiful and touching ritual of preparing the table for the final meal. Dwelling on the scriptural account of the Emmaus event, Fr. Velasco, who was also an alumnus of La Fragua held 25 years ago, urged the participants to tend to the fire re-kindled in the Forge and share it with others in their respective organisms.

As always, the Forge consisted of the Quid Prodest, followed by three core phases of Patris Mei, Caritas Christi, and Spiritus Domini, which were re-calibrated along the three process of transformation and the seven elements of God’s Dream for the Congregation as received in the last General Chapter. The peak experiences of each phase were nine-day spiritual exercises on the spiritual illnesses and their cure at the 12th century monastery at Buenafuente, a week-long pilgrimage to Rome, and a week-long pilgrimage to the Claretian holy places in Barbastro, Cataluña, and Fontfroide.

The participants expressed great joy and gratitude for the experience of the Forge and have written a letter to the “Querida Congregación” which is appended separately.

Read: Letter To the Congregation from The Alumni of Forge 06/22

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