Mother’s Meal: A Claretian Response of Bangalore Province to the Challenges Brought by COVID-19

Aug 16, 2020 | Bangalore, Solidarity & Mission

Bangalore, India. Hope society has been doing various disaster management programs, and Coronacare Bangalore was one such responding to the COVID situations of economic struggle that many families were going through. They have been able to reach out to more than 220,000 people – interventions worth about 20 million rupees.

The economic impact of COVID is enormous, and as per reports from OXFAM and WFP, this could lead to about 12,000 dying every day in this part of the globe, a situation that needs our attention as people committed to what is ‘urgent, timely and effective.’ To respond to this most challenging situation of our lifetime, the Claretians of Bangalore have conceptualized a movement that could help many families to survive the COVID times.

Through this movement, they hope to inspire 50% of the population that can afford to help one more family to support the 10% of people in the peripheries – persons with disabilities, the terminally ill, widows and refugees: the choice of support in the last General and Provincial Chapters. It is a Family to Family Support movement, promoting a model of love and sharing in a society – the essence of Christian message. The support planned is 500 rupees worth Survival Kit with provisions every month for a minimum of six months, subject to review after that.

They started with 1000 families – from all 36 States and UTs of India in 55 locations on August 15, 2020 – signifying ‘freedom from hunger.’ Many Church-based and social agencies have agreed to implement the program, including Claretians in Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Assam, and Meghalaya.

They start without any funds, trusting in God and the goodness of humanity, that as they provide, families will come forward to support other families.

A Mother would not allow her children to go hungry. She will do everything possible to provide food. As the world goes hungry, let us assume the role of a Mother and feed our hungry children – Mother’s Meal.”

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Mothers Meal – Hope Society | No. 28/12 | 18th Cross | Malleswaram Bangloure | Karnataka | India – 560055

Tel: +91 984511515 / +91 873396563



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