Online Visit to Padre Xifré Independent Delegation

Dec 1, 2020 | General Government, Padre Xifre

Rome Italy. With the pandemic, it is certainly difficult to make face-to-face visits to accompany the Organisms, the communities, and our brothers and in need. However, new technologies help us to take certain initiatives. In this sense, an online visit was organized from November 26 to 28, 2020 with the members of the Council of Padre Xifré Delegation and its other collaborators (Prefect of Spirituality, Prefect of Youth and Vocation Ministry, the Mission Procurator and the Master of Novices).

At this meeting, the most important aspects of life and mission in the two regions that make up the Delegation, Gabon, and Equatorial Guinea, were examined. We talked about the way of governing and animating, of living in the communities, of the economy, of the mission among the people of God (with all the different dimensions: parish ministry, education, youth and vocation ministry, biblical, social projects with the Mission Procure and Solidarity and Mission). The themes of spirituality and formation were also included in the program.

Finally, we reviewed what has been done so far in preparation for the XXVI General Chapter that will take place next year. Considering the three Processes of Transformation, this online meeting was in fact a kind of evaluation of the Delegation’s Missionary Project developed at the 2019 Assembly. Furthermore, the last exercise consisted in sharing with others a positive goal that moves the Delegation forward, another one for improvement and a concrete commitment for the future of the Delegation. Since the meeting was online, it was advantageous for our brothers to communicate directly with each member of the General Government working in their respective areas. This experience helped us to show the determination to accompany and help our brothers to advance in their missionary life.

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