Bangalore, India. The fourth day of the Provincial Chapter began with the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the celebration of the Eucharist, to then give the opportunity for dialogue, evaluation and review of the processes lived in the organism. In the afternoon, the Superior General, Mathew Vattamattan, helped the assembly in the electoral process. After the proper voting, the election of Rev. Fr. Sabu Koottarappallil, CMF as the new Provincial Superior of Bangalore was confirmed. We join in congratulating and praying for the new mission entrusted to our brother. The Chapter will continue until Saturday, December 12.

Youth Immersion Conclave – Claret Youth Festival
Medchal, India: The Claret Youth Festival, a three-day spiritual expedition for young people organized by the Province of Bangalore, took place from October 8th to 10th, 2024 at St. Claret School, Medchal, India. The three-day event, held under the theme “Embracing...