On the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, ASCLA East animated the liturgy of the day while Valens Agino, CMF, served as moderator of the sessions. The triad of presentations characterised the morning and evening sessions of the day: three interventions in the morning and three in the afternoon.
The triad of presentations began in the morning session:
- Mathew Vattamattam, CMF, and Joseph Mbungu, CMF, facilitated the first presentation, comprising Conversations on Universal Mission. Father Claret showed us the road to Universal Mission by leaving Catalunya to the Canary Islands and then to Cuba, where he spent his whole energy evangelizing. In the same way, despite the hazards, many missionaries continued to preach in different peripheries of our Congregation. Sending and receiving missionaries, therefore, is a collective responsibility for all of us. Thus, the superiors agreed that preparing missionaries sent for universal missions and those to receive them was fundamental. On this note, making a study on interculturality is of prime importance.
- Consequently, Carlos Sanchez, CMF, and Carlos Verga, CMF, presented the second theme based on the Online Course on Interculturality and Mission organized by the Congregation. This presentation allowed us to analyze the difficulties and challenges encountered in the field of interculturality. We agreed that the course on interculturality available in different languages should be a priority for all Claretians.
- Pedro Belderrain, CMF, made the third presentation on the Claretian Presence in the Education Ministry. He portrayed our education centres’ importance as areas for transmitting the light of the gospel and value-based formation.

The triad of presentations continued in the afternoon session:
- Adolfo Lamata, CMF, shared good education practices from the Province of Santiago. He encouraged all to move from “my” center of education to “our network” of education centers. The education centers will align with their evangelizing aim with this synergy of efforts.
- Henry Omonisaye, CMF, presented our Service to Consecrated Life in the Church. This service is done in one way through our six Institutes of Consecrated Life in Africa, America, Asia, and Europe and in another way through our involvement in initiatives of consecrated life in different parts of the Church.
- Mathew Vattamattam, CMF, showed the importance of Discernment in Leadership in the Church. He announced the Course on Leadership that the Pope wished for the whole Church. The course will encourage the exercise of authority in a synodal, responsible and transparent way at all levels. Gonzalo Fernández, CMF, and Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF, will facilitate this in the different Conferences of our Congregation. Father General encouraged various Conferences to foster collaboration, assuring the support of the General Government to all Conferences to enable them to offer the best services to the Church and society.
The day ended with a meeting of the General Government with MICLA. This time not arranged in the Triads, but in the presence of the Triune God.