‘I will ask…’ Claret prays. But what is praying? Teresa of Jesus said: ‘Prayer is nothing else than a close sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with him who we know loves us.’ Prayer is the expression of faith, its breath and nourishment.
Praying is attentive listening and contemplation of what is happening in our life, around us, in the world…in order to discover, animated by the Spirit, what we must do. And this can be done in many ways:
*Prayer with the Word of God, double-edged sword, which penetrates and discovers our deepest truth, speaks to us, guides and directs us, consoles us, encourages us…
*Thanking and praising the Lord for what he does in our life, for the signs of love which He pours out on us and which we constantly perceive if we are attentive.
*Asking humbly and simply for what we need, with the confidence that the Lord knows what is good for us, and welcoming it with an open heart.
*Interceding for our brothers and sisters, above all for those who suffer because of injustice, violence, poverty and other such violations of human dignity.
*The aim of our prayer: ‘A burning love and perfect union with God.’
Only this ‘burning love’ will make our world a great family in the love of God and others. Only ‘perfect union’ will make our efforts effective: “apart from me you can do nothing” (Jn 15:5). Claret’s second petition, after love, is unity. It is the testimony “so that the world may believe” (Jn 17:21).
Grant me, Lord, love for all those I live with, those I work with, those I meet each day! And grant that I may always be united with You like the branches with the vine, because only in this way can I bear fruit.