India. The day began with a guided mediatation of Fr.Eslin Francis Pereira CMF which was followed by the Holy Mass with Fr.A.Devadoss as the main celebrant. The First session began around 9.00 am with Fr.Vincent Anesthasiar CMF as Moderator of the day. Then Fr.Vincent Anesthasiar CMF informed the floor about the wishes that came in from Claretians who have posted their comments in the Blog.
The proceedings of the day began with the presentation of the reports by the Secretaries of the first five groups which studied the report of the Provincial Administration. Fr.Raphael Raj CMF, the Provincial Superior and his Consultors responded to the issues raised in the reports. With this the Evaluative phase of the Chapter came to an end.
The Sounding Paper for the office bearers of the next Provincial Government was circulated.
In the afternoon session Fr.S.Devadoss presented the Theme paper of the Chapter namely ” Living our Missionary Vocation Today” thorugh a Powerpoint presentation. This was followed by personal reading of the Document and group discussion on the given chapters by the respective groups.
During the Evening prayer and Rosary special prayers were offered to the victims of the earthquake at Haiti.