Claret in “The Long Night of Religions”

Feb 28, 2010 | Claretian Family, Solidarity & Mission

Switzerland. On Saturday, September 15, people in the Fluntern neighborhood of Zurich, home to a Claretian community, observed “The Long Night of Religions.” Representatives of Protestant, Reformed, Catholic, Methodist, Russian Orthodox. Muslim and Hindu traditions organized a very diverse program of activities. Visitors were able to participate in a number of activities, but not all, since there were several venues. Among Catholics, Claretian took advantage of the opportunity – during the bicentennial observance – to introduce our Founder to people of different Christian confessions as well as to non-Christians. In his PowerPoint presentation, Fr. Wolfgang Delminger explained the life and spirituality of Fr. Claret and current involvements by Claretians. While he was making his presentation, there were activities in the Muslim mosque and a neighborhood hospital run by Methodist deaconesses.

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