Claretian Corporation Norman Pérez Bello (CCNPB) hosts in Bogota Venezuelan migrants

Apr 12, 2018 | Colombia Oriental - Ecuador, JPIC, MICLA, Solidarity & Mission

Bogota Colombia. The Claretian Corporation Norman Perez Bello (CCNPB), signs an Agreement with the Archdiocese of Bogotá to welcome the Venezuelan migrants who arrive in Bogota.

The project of the reception house and accompaniment for migrants and displaced persons that the CCNPB is carrying out works mainly with leaders and community leaders in Colombia.

With the signing of the Agreement, it has been extended to 350 migrants who come from Venezuela to stay in Colombia, a possible return to Venezuela or have a trip to another country, which presupposes a budget for their activities, reinvigorate and begin to stabilize their living conditions.

The stay is a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 days in which food and lodging are guaranteed in decent conditions and provided by a team in charge of running the house.

With this Agreement the Venezuelan reality is somehow addressed and the Mercy of God is manifested.

Acogida Venezolanos

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