Quezon City, Philippines. After the SOMI Regional Training for ASCLA East, Mission Procurators from the Philippine Province, Independent Delegations of East Asia and Indonesia – Timor Leste were gathered by Fr. Lord Winner, CMF, Assistant General Mission Procurator, on 8 November 2018 at the Claret Retreat House in Quezon City to asses and evaluate the Mission Procures of the aforementioned Major Organisms, to look into its future, and see how it could better function or serve its respective Organisms.
Claret Way Asia East 2024: Spreading the Flame of the Spirit
Ormoc City, Philippines. The Claret Way Asia East 2024 (CWAE 2024) was held from July 25-30, 2024, and marked the fourth ASCLA EAST Claretian youth gathering. The previous event took place in Dili, Timor-Leste, in 2019. This year, 232 delegates from the Claretian...