Quezon City, Philippines. In the framework of the XV Provincial Chapter of the Philippines, Fr. Elias Ayuban, Jr. CMF, 51 years old, has been elected as the new Provincial of the said Organism. He belonged to the community of the Istituto Giuridico Clarettiano in Rome. He worked as an official in the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICLSAL). He has a doctorate in Canon Law and serves as a professor at the Claretianum in Rome.

Claretian Family Commemorates Martyrs and Honors Fr. Rhoel Gallardo, CMF
Quezon City, Philippines. The Claretian Family gathered on February 1 at the Fr. Rhoel Gallardo Hall of Claret School of Quezon City to honor the memory of 184 members of the Claretian Congregation who gave their lives for their faith. The event also marked the 25th...