Cordoba, Argentina. On January 5, 2024, in the capital city of Córdoba, nineteen Claretian novices were admitted to the Claretian Novitiate of America. The ceremony, presided by the Provincial Superior of San José del Sur, Fr. Mario Gutiérrez, was attended by prominent Claretian animators, including Fr. Pedro Belderrain, CMF, General Prefect of the Apostolate, and Fr. Egione Nogueira Ricardo, CMF, Provincial Superior of Brasil, and Fr. Fausto Cruz Rosa, CMF, Major Superior of Antillas Independent Delegation.

With the addition of these new members to the outgoing group, the total number of young people seeking to build a more fraternal society through prayer and companionship has now reached 28. The nine members of the outgoing group made their First Profession the following day. We are thrilled to share this news and reaffirm our commitment to supporting and guiding all those who are determined to follow the path of God.
These young people come from eight Claretian Major Organisms, representing various Provinces such as Colombia-Venezuela, México, Brasil, Fátima, Centroamérica, Perú-Bolivia, Colombia Oriental-Ecuador, and San José del Sur.

Let us entrust these young people to the fraternal prayers of all our brothers and sisters:
Brasil Province:
DAMBRÓZ SOPRANI, Danilo; CAIXETA, Vinicius Martins; SILVA FERNANDES, Bruno Rafael; SALETE, Lucas; ALVES DE LIMA, Ítalo Dalton; DA COSTA, Fabrício Gotelip y DA SILVA VERAS, Antonio Carlos
Centroamérica Province
CRUZ ZEAS, Cristian Joel y CUY VÁSQUEZ, Walter Alexander
Colombia Oriental-Ecuador Province
ORTIZ RAMOS, Dayler Sttill y GÓMEZ GUEVARA, Cristhian Danilo
Colombia-Venezuela Province:
PERNETT TOBIO, Osman Miguel; COLL CELIS, Albert Jesús; FERNÁNDEZ GASCÓN, Luis Jesús and OSPINA GARCÍA, Jonathan
Fátima Province:
CAMPOS NAVARRO, Francisco Javier
México Province:
Perú-Bolivia Province:
San José del Sur Province: