Silver Anniversary of the First Edition of “The Forge”

Sep 19, 2018 | Spirituality and Community Life, The Forge

Alpedrete, Spain. On September 17, 2018, organized by the General Prefect of Spirituality, the 25th Anniversary of the first edition of “The Forge” held from September to December of 1993 in Colmenar Viejo, took place at the Forge Center of Claretian Renewal in Los Negrales. Of the 13 pioneer participants, nine Claretians who still live and continue in the Congregation participated in this celebration. After a first moment of evocation of the lived experience and the trajectory of the Forge project over the last 25 years, the participants shared how the Forge’s experience had affected their missionary vocation. The celebration of the Eucharist continued, presided by the Claretian Bishop, Msgr. Ángel Garachana, CMF -currently the Bishop of San Pedro Sula (Honduras) – who, at the beginning of the Forge, was the Provincial of Castilla who promoted the project. The commemoration ended with a festive lunch shared with the community of Los Negrales and a gathering in which the participants of Fragua 1 shared some suggestions to the current team in charge of the project.


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