The Claret-Way Youth Convention in Dar es Salam

Oct 24, 2022 | Youth & Vocations Ministry, St. Charles Lwanga

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The Claret-Way youth convention took place in St. Claret Parish, Michungwani, in the Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from October 13 to 16, 2022 with the theme “LIVING FOR ANOTHER”. This convention brought together 118 youths from 7 mission places where our Claretian Missionaries serve in Tanzania: Nyamiongo Parish in Musoma, Buzuruga Parish in Mwanza, Uhepela Parish in Njombe, KPF-Magereza outstation in Morogoro, Korogwe quasi Parish, Kimara Parish in Dar es Salam, and the host parish Michungwani in Dar es Salam.

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The youths were actively involved in daily Eucharistic celebration and adoration, daily recitation of the Holy Rosary, a celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, peer evangelization in the Basic Ecclesial Communities, Blood donation, Sports and games, Seminars on various topics on the life of St. Claret – his life and mission, Claret-Way as a way to live for one another as a call to serve one another (Gal.5:13), Health matters – Know yourself and help another to live better, Economic empowerment by CRDB/Mkombozi Banks and on Holy Vocations as a way to adhere to God’s call through serving others.

The three-day experience was an enriching moment for the young people, leaving them desiring more. Such encounters of young people are highly encouraged and supported by the Delegation Council of St. Charles Lwanga. This is because, in this way, we fulfill the desire of the Church and the Congregation at large by offering an opportunity and forums for young people to grow.

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