Shillong, India. The ongoing Provincial Chapter of the Northeast India Province has elected Fr. Joseph Mappilaparampil, CMF, as The Provincial Superior. After the election of Fr. Joseph Mappilaparambil, CMF, the Chapter elected the following members as Consultors for specific prefectures:
- Fr. Jaison Perumpalliolickal, CMF – Consultor and Prefect of Formation
- Fr. Walter Naveen, CMF – Consultor and Prefect of Economy
- Fr. Joy Pulickal, CMF – Consultor and Prefect of Apostolate
- Fr. Arnest Kharmawlong, CMF – Consultor and Prefect of Youth, Vocations and Education.
Frs. Jaison and Arnest were members of the previous government and have been re-elected for another term. The entire Provincial Government will serve for three years.