Baltar 1910-2010: “Cen anos sementando Evanxeo”

Dec 14, 2010 | Claretian Family, Congregation


The community of Claretian Missionaries in Ferrol (Coruña, Spain) has celebrated the centenary of the first foundation of the Congregation in Galicia.

Along with the Novena to the Heart of Mary, preached by Fr Salvador León (Coordinator of the Team of Laity, Family of the Province of Santiago) from the 13th – 23rd of August, the principal events of these celebrations were inaugurated.

-The parishioners of the parishes in our charge in the city of Ferrol and the rural areas of Narón and Valdoviño were entertained to a concert given by the polyphonic choir “Alentía” (of Meirás) in the parish church of St Mary Major of Val (18th September).

Along with our Bishop and brother priests of the Dioceses of Ferrol and Xuvia, we shared a day together at our House of Fellowship (Casa de Convivencias) in Baltar (27th October): where there was a talk given by Fr Luis Manuel Suárez (Coordinator of the Team PIJV), prayers and a communal meal.

In November, during the encounters to launch the project The Forge in our daily lives, we concluded the celebrations of the Centenary with the Claretians currently based in Galicia: Vigo and Villagarcía de Arosa.

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