Claret TV: Celebrating 5 Years of Digital Evangelization and Inspiring Faith Across Borders

Jun 7, 2023 | México, Communication

Mexico City, Mexico. It’s a significant accomplishment for Claret TV of Mexico, as they have reached the five-year mark in their digital evangelization project for the Claretian Province of México. Their fifteen programs and projects cater to diverse audiences in various formats, including youth-focused content, current events analysis, marriage and relationship topics, informative and entertaining shows, educational programs, and devotionals.

An online anniversary presentation was organized to celebrate the event on the evening of May 31, 2023. The presentation was part of the Tejiendo Sueños (Weaving Dreams) segment with the theme “V Aniversario: Un Proyecto, Una Obra y Una Misión Compartida” (5th Anniversary: A Project, An Enterprise, and A Shared Mission). The guests on air were Fr. Miguel Castellanos, CMF (Communication In-Charge of the Province of Mexico – TRIC’S), Begoña Ferráez, SC (Claret TV Public Relations), Mari Carmen Moctezuma (Claret TV Creatives), Alberto Gama (Claret TV Productions), and Fr. René Pérez Díaz, CMF (Claret TV Director). They shared the journey of the project, from its humble beginnings as an audio-only platform until it evolved into its current form. They also discussed the challenges they faced, including the transfer of Fr. Rene to another mission post, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise as it expanded the project’s collaboration and network in the Province of Mexico. The program received positive comments and greetings online from the audience and was joined by collaborators from other countries in the Americas. 

Fr. René, the Director, stated that the digital evangelization project would continue to be a priority and uphold the teachings of St. Anthony Mary Claret, who emphasized the use of all available methods to spread the Word. He encouraged all to keep following their program.

Claret TV launched on May 31, 2018 and has already broadcasted 795 episodes in just five years: Reconexión Claret 100 (100), Enlazados (75), Jesús está vivo (14), Caminantes (6), Noticia Claret (20), Día a día (39), Rosario de la esperanza (167), Alegría de la Palabra (17), 100CMF Encuestrados (13), Hagamos Ruido (35), Especiales (7), 150 años Claret (10), Voces Cámara y Acción (90), Biblia y pisicologia (84), La alegría del amor (7), Tejiendo sueños (17), Palabrta y Vida (17), Influencers de Dios (4), Ecos Capitulares Cap gen (14), Ecos Capitulares Capítulo Provincial (5), Ecos de Nairobi (1), Semana de la familia (5), Semana Bíblica Virtual (20), Semanas de formación misionera (10), Plácticas cuaresmales virtuales (10), Semana Santa Ciber Misionera (8).

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