Encounter of Diocesan Liturgy Delegates

Jan 31, 2012 | Bible Ministry, Education Ministry, Santiago

Madrid, Spain. From the 30 -31st of January at the “Nuestra Señora de la Anunciación” spirituality center in Madrid, was the annual encounter of diocesan delegates of the liturgy of the Spanish Bishop’s Conference.
The Claretian, Fr. Joan Canals, CMF, Director of the Secretariat of this Commission, describes the workshops thus:

“The meeting aims to guide and encourage the work that delegates make in their own dioceses.

In addition to being an occasion to exchange views on topical issues and on the ups and downs of the liturgical service at all levels, it is an ideal opportunity for the training of those who are called to stimulate the liturgical action in local churches.


This year, two particular circumstances motivate the contents of the Meeting. On one hand, the foreseeable publication of the Castilian translation for Spain of the third typical edition of the Roman Missal and, on the other, the task of renewal of the liturgical Lectionary, with the incorporation of the texts of the new official Biblical version of the Spanish Episcopal conference.”

Photo: Fr. Joan Canals CMF.

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