Formation of Monitors/Catechists

Dec 29, 2008 | Education Ministry, Formation, JPIC

Spain. For four days the seventeen inscribed in the Kurkudi School of Free Time, organized by the Claretians in Pamplona, have continued their formation as monitors/catechists. The topics tackled have been: Education for Peace and Justice, Workshop of handicrafts, affective-sexual education and Workshop of first aids. And the instructors were, respectively: Itziar de la Encina (former student of Askartza-Claret), Maite Tarrés (professor of the Centre), Aritz Monasterio (former student of Askkartza-Claret) and Dani Sánchez (collaborator in Proclade Navarra NGOD).

We still have the live-in of January 24-25 in Salvatierra. With it we will consider the formative task finished for this year 2008-2009.

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