Living a Missionary Vocation in Amazonia

Feb 3, 2023 | MICLA, Brasil

The following Vocational-Missionary experience took place in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, from the 5th to the 17th of January 2023. It was an event marked by the Congregation’s connection with the mission of the Church in Brazil as well as the formation of young people to be Claretian missionaries in this country. This experience was attended by more than 280 participants, including bishops, formators, seminarians, religious and young missionary students. A unique opportunity to get to know a different reality closely while simultaneously experiencing in practice part of the mission of this country.

The Vocational-Missionary experience aimed to offer a practical experience of mission ad gentes. This activity is an essential element of the formative process for the human and spiritual growth of a Claretian in initial formation. On the other hand, it helps to form the mentality and the heart in the same spirit of St. Anthony Mary Claret.

The students of the Claretian Province of Brazil who participated were: Italo Lima, Lucas Salete, Vinícius Caixeta, Lucas Chaves and Bruno Rafael. They had the opportunity to live the reality of the families living in the Amazon. Each one was sent to different realities: peripheral areas of Manaus, others to the interior of the state of Amazonas and others to riverside and indigenous areas.

Italo Lima, Claretian student and National Coordinator of COMISE (Missionary Council of Seminarians) highlights what has impacted him most during these days:

The missionary experience has been something that has marked our lives, because we had the opportunity to get to know closely another reality different from the one we live in, to leave the comfort, the stable life we found in our formation house and even in our relatives’ homes. It is not easy, but following in the footsteps of Jesus and the example of the apostolic life of St. Anthony Mary Claret we threw ourselves into this experience and it has really been something unique in our lives. There we were able to meet simple people, but who live the faith in a great way, and this is important for our formative process as future Claretian missionaries. Living with the people, we were able to feel the pain of the families who were going through some difficult situation, and we were also able to accompany their families in their struggle for social improvements in the community.

In summary, this Vocational-Missionary experience in the Amazon was a key moment for the participants, as it allowed them to experience the reality of other people and to grow both humanly and spiritually. It also taught them the importance of always being available to serve anywhere in the world in the style of St. Anthony Mary Claret.

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