Cordoba, Argentina. On January 6, 2024, the Feast of the Epiphany, nine Claretian novices who had lived their year of discernment, formation, and dedication to God through the Congregation at the Claretian Novitiate of America professed their first religious vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in a beautiful celebration held at the CEFyT chapel in Villa Claret, in the city of Córdoba. The ceremony was presided over by Father Pedro Belderrain, CMF, General Prefect of Apostolate.
Several Major Superiors of Claretian Major Organisms in America were present during the profession. These included Father Mario Gutiérrez, CMF (San José del Sur), Father Eguione Nogueira, CMF (Brasil), and Father Fausto Cruz Rosa, CMF (Antillas). Additionally, all the Claretians from the houses of Córdoba and friends of the novices who had met them during their apostolates and missions in different places in Argentina were also there to accompany them during this vital step in their life and missionary formation.

The following are the newly professed Claretians from America: Joel Polanco and Indalier Salas, CMFF (Antillas Independent Delegation), Marlon Pellenz and Joel Beltrame, CMFF (Brasil Province), Esteban Duarte, Jamin Suarez, and Juan Pablo Espinosa, CMFF (Colombia Oriental-Ecuador Province), Nelson Freitas, CMF (San José del Sur Province). Among them was also Student Samuel Abelaira, CMF of Fàtima Province of Spain, who, on behalf of his batchmates, thanked the parents of the newly inducted students as well as the various individuals who had played a part in their journey, including the team of formators comprised of Fathers Francisco San Martín, Marcio Sousa, and Master Marcos Garnica, CMFF.

Following the religious ceremony at the CEFyT, all attendees congregated at the Novitiate House for a communal feast. The presence of 19 new novices, who had just begun their novitiate the previous day, added to the festive atmosphere with their lively presence, making the meal more enjoyable.
We are filled with great joy as we offer our prayers for the nine individuals who have recently taken their vows and accepted the Blessed Virgin Mary as their Mother and Teacher, the first disciple of Christ, and have already returned to their respective countries to continue working towards the construction of the Kingdom of God, following in the footsteps of Father Claret.