Nochiodaipatty, India. The Local Superiors’ meeting of the Province of Chennai took place at Claretians-LIFE Centre, Nochiodaipatty from 12 to 13 October, 2023. The Local Superiors assembled to discuss and deliberate upon the strengths and challenges within their life and mission communities.
During the gathering, Local Superiors shared insights on three areas of strength and three areas of challenge. This open dialogue allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the current dynamics within the province’s various communities.
Furthermore, the meeting addressed essential concerns spanning formation, spirituality, community life, apostolate, economy, and governance. Each community presented one strength and one challenge in these domains, fostering a holistic perspective on the issues at hand.
The heart of the meeting consisted of group discussions and deliberations centered around the identified strengths and challenges. This collaborative approach ensured that the participants’ voices were heard and contributed to the overall effectiveness of the meeting.
Source: Fr. Maria Joseph, CMF, Provincial Secretary of Chennai Province