Vocation Animation Forum

Jan 9, 2012 | Formation

Los Molinos, Madrid, Spain.With the intent of strengthening the new plan of Youth and Young Adult Vocation Ministry (PIJV) for the Claretian Province of Santiago, some forty Claretians came together from the 3 – 5th of January, 2012 for a “Vocation Animation Forum”.

During these days, using a participatory method, the participants covered the stages of the See-Illuminate-Act, concerning the new Plan of the PIJV.

The coordinators of the forum were the Prefects of the Apostolate (Fr. Juan José Raya) and Formation-Spirituality (Fr. Luis Ángel de las Heras), together with members of the Provincial PIJV team (Fathers: Luis Manuel Suárez, Jorge y Juan José Espada). Also present were Fr. Provincial and various other members of his government. Acing as facilitators were Fathers Juan José Aguado, SJ, Alvaro Chordi, Diocesan priest and a member of “Adsis”, Leonardo Sanchez, SDB, and Juan Carlos Martos, CMF, Director of the General Secretariat of Claretian Vocation Ministry

Special care was taken for prayer and liturgy. On the last evening Maite López, a lay cantor, livened-up this time of prayer with his songs.

A forum is not a time for decision-making, but rather a space for free expression and listening. The long-time worry over the issue of vocation shortages in this Congregational zone requires it.

Those who participated could express themselves freely and the result has been collected in a form of beliefs, working hypothesis, and very rich and specific considerations. But the best of this meeting, has been the injection of hope.

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