Historical Notes

From a Spark to a Fire Burning Unceasingly

To celebrate the Jubilee Year, the 175th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation of Missionaries Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians), the Jubilee Commission, in collaboration with Claretian Spirituality Center (CESC) and iClaret, has produced...

Visit to Fosco and San Felice – 125th Anniversary

Not many people know this place where 125 years ago the first community of the Congregation in Italy was founded, apart from the one in Rome-Via Giulia 163, which was founded in 1885. Fr. Antonio Naval and Brothers Ángel Salas and Julián Escudero, CMFF, left Rome for...

In memory of Fr. Manuel Vilaró, Co-founder, on the centenary of his reinstatement (1922)

The Twelfth General Chapter of 1922 (Aug. 15-Oct. 12), in its 25th session, said, "Not having sufficient instruments to decide critically whether or not the Reverend Father Manuel Vilaró belonged to the Congregation until his death, nevertheless, having been...

The Foundation of the Congregation in the eyes Clotet

I was working as a priest-econome in a small town in the diocese, very satisfied with my position. But since it seemed to me that an assignment in a charitable institution would be more suited to my inclinations and character, I consulted Doctor Jaime Passarell. He...