End of the Workshop on Accompaniment in the Claretian Formation

Nov 30, 2018 | Antillas, Brasil, Centroamérica, Claretian Family, Colombia - Venezuela, Colombia Oriental - Ecuador, Formation, México, MICLA, Perú - Bolivia, USA - Canada

Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The Workshop on Accompaniment in the Claretian Formation of the Claretian Family of MICLA organized and facilitated by General Prefect of Formation, Fr. Leo Dalmao, CMF, together with Mexico Province’s Prefect of Formation, Fr. Marcos Garnica, CMF and CESC Director, Fr. Carlos Sanchez, CMF which started last November 20 in Juatuba, Belo Horizonte in Brazil, finally came to an end on Thursday, November 29, 2018.

On the one hand, the days together served for the participants to deepen in the charismatic experience of Claret as companion as well as familiarize themselves on the pointers given by the General Plan of Formation on accompaniment. They have also looked into the tools in order to understand better the persons who come to our formation houses – they are persons in search for their vocation and are to be accepted and accompanied in their complexity in life so that they would grow and transform their lives in the model of the human missionary Jesus.

On the other hand, they also dealt with the profile of the formator as companion. Through the different theories and practices, they dwelled into the art of accompanying while also looking into the complexity of doing it and the importance of doing it. They were reminded that, through this task is the work of the Holy Spirit, it implies a personal maturity on the part of the formator as well as to be make the formands as the protagonists of their own growth.

Participants of the Workshop: CMFF – Jhon Aguirre (Colombia-Venezuela), César Arias (Colombia Oriental – Ecuador), Mauricio Borge and Rodolfo Morales (Centroamérica), Nilton Boni, Valentim De Carvalho and Antonio Ferreira (Brasil), Francisco García (Antillas), Eugene Gnansounou and Rolando Málaga (Perú-Bolivia), Steve Niskanen and José Sánchez (USA-Canada); MSAMC – Ivani Boloventa and Melania Buss (Brasil); RMI – Pétronile Mutungidimbu (General Prefect of Formation), Cecilia Medina (Latinoamérica), Betty Morales (Virgen de Guadalupe).


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