Mendoza, Argentina: The Claretian community of the Province of San José del Sur gathered at the Sanctuary of Our Lady...

Mendoza, Argentina: The Claretian community of the Province of San José del Sur gathered at the Sanctuary of Our Lady...
Ormoc City, Philippines. In a heartfelt ceremony filled with solemnity and hope, on 23 March 2024, the Claret...
Cordoba, Argentina. On January 6, 2024, the Feast of the Epiphany, nine Claretian novices who had lived their year of...
Kupang, Indonesia. Transformation is always at the heart of any formative process. In line with this profound...
Colmenar Viejo, Spain. From Friday 28th February to Sunday 1st March 2020, the traditional meeting of students from...
Bata, Equatorial Guinea. Padre Xifré Novitiate celebrated its Claretian Week for the Academic Year 2019-2020 on...
Colmenar Viejo, Spain. Last weekend, December 13-15, 2019, fourteen young Claretian Missionaries participated in the...
Bata, Equatorial Guinea. The first new Formation House is the new Novitiate House of Padre Xifré Independent...
Sasaima-Cundinamarca, Columbia. Convened by the respective Prefecture of Formation of Colombia Oriental – Ecuador and...
Colmenar Viejo, Spain. Taking advantage of his stay in Spain for his language course, newly appointed General Prefect...
Toulouse, France. Prefects of Formation and formators of ECLA gathered together in Toulouse on July 26 to 30, 2019 for...
Rome, Italy. Fr. Joseph Mbungu-Mutu, CMF, former Major Superior of Independent Delegation of Congo is appointed by...
Jogjakarta, Indonesia. Wisma Scholastic of Claretian Jogjakarta Community organized a Missiological Forum on May 26,...
Yaoundé, Cameroun. In the date of May 30, 2019, ASCENSION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, in the company of the Very Rev....
In the Encounter of Prefects of Formation in Guatemala, in continuations of the theme ‘Inter-culturality and...
Dear Congregation: The farewell letter of Blessed Martyr Faustino Perez on behalf of his student companions of...
Guatemala City, Guatemala. Today the participants began the sessions of Encounter of Formators in Guatemala took up a...
Guatemala City, Guatemala. The Encounter of the Prefects of Formation, in Guatemala is in progress and today, (16th...
Guatemala City, Guatemala. The activities of the third day of the Encounter of Prefects of Formation, Guatemala, began...
Guatemala City, Guatemala. The second day of the Encounter of Prefects Formation started with Holy Mass. After the...
Guatemala, Guatemala. The Encounter of the Prefects of Formation of our Congregation (from 13 to 22nd May 2019) along...
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The Prefecture of Formation of Antillas celebrated last May 3 to 7 the annual...
Kupang, Indonesia. Discernment and accompaniment cannot be separated from the whole process of discipleship’s...
Granada, Spain. The Claretian Theologate of Granada hosted the annual Encounter of Claretian Students in Europe during...
Granada, Spain. The Claretian Student’s Encounter in preparation for Holy Orders (presbyterate and diaconate) took...
Panama City, Panama. Student David Martínez Gómez, CMF, one of the young Claretians who participated in the World...
Medellín, Colombia. Five students made their First Profession in the hands of Fr. Armando Valencia, CMF, Provincial...
Ciudad San Cristobal, Guatemala. Seven new Novices started their journey on the last day of the year 2018 at the...
Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The Workshop on Accompaniment in the Claretian Formation of the Claretian Family of MICLA...
Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The second phase of the Claretian Family Formator’s Accompaniment Workshop on Formation...
Jogjakarta, Indonesia. “Claret, teacher and father!” This was the song echoed by the Claretians living in Jogjakarta...
Rome, Italy. Two ongoing online courses are being taken by some members of the Claretian Family – 1) Selected...
Panite, Indonesia. During vacation time, together with their formator, Fr. Agustinus Supur, CMF, thirteen members of...
Kali, Cameroon. On July 2, 2018, on the occasion of the celebration of the forty years of the Novitiate House of the...
Colmenar Viejo, Spain. At the end of the third and last phase of this Year's School of the Heart of Mary, the...
Rome, Italy. Four meetings took place at the General Curia in Rome this past two weeks, June 4 to 15, 2018. The first...
Vic, Spain. This year's Formator's course has gone a long way already. It began in preparing them to have a good...
Hera, Timor Leste. Implementing the Action Plan of the Delegation of Indonesia-Timor Leste in improving the ongoing...
Kikwit, Congo. The Word of God and Homily. This is the theme and subject of the 2018 Quinquennio of the Delegation of...