Indonesia – Timor Leste

Claretians Answer the Call: Ordinations Unite the Faithful in Joyous Celebrations

The Congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians) celebrated the sacred calling of new clergy members in a series of remarkable ordination events that unfolded across different parts of the world. These joyous occasions brought together...

The Tanur Renewal Programme: A Time to Grow and Integrate the Claretian Spirituality

Benlutu, Indonesia. In quenching the spiritual thirst to drink from the source of our Claretian spirituality (cf. QC. 48) and to renew the missionary zeal of the members, the Independent Delegation of Indonesia-Timor Leste organizes its "Tanur" Renewal Program in the...

“300 Consecrated Men and Women Gather Online for XIII Religious Life Week”

Kupang, Indonesia: Over 300 consecrated men and women from various countries gathered online for the XIII Religious Life Week, celebrated from February 2-4, 2023 in the Indonesia-Timor Leste Independent Delegation. This seminar, held in conjunction with the Feast of...

Accompanying by Giving Example: Formators Encounter in Benlutu, Indonesia

On December 12, 2022, formators from different formation houses in the Delegation gathered together at Wisma Claretian Benlutu, Soe, TTS to discuss and discern the formative process of being a Claretian Missionary according to the General Plan of Formation. During the...