
Nine Newly Professed Claretians from the Claretian Novitiate of America

Nine Claretian Novices professed their first religious vows of poverty, chastity and obedience at the Claretian Novitiate of America in Cordoba, Argentina on January 6, 2024.

Independent Delegation of Antilles: Serving the Antilles with Faith, Commitment, and Missionary Spirit

The Independent Delegation of Antilles is a geographic and pastoral region that includes Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico, each with very different political, social, economic, cultural, and ecclesiastical realities. This year, the Claretian...

“Claret, 170 years of his arrival in Cuba” Exhibit

Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. The "Claret, 170 years of his arrival in Cuba" exhibit ended on March 12, 2023. Organized by the Archbishopric of Santiago de Cuba and located in its facilities, it was the fruit of close collaboration with the Claretian Missionaries. Its...

100 Years of Claretian Presence in the Dominican Republic (1923-2023)

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The Claretian Missionaries of Antillas celebrated with great fervor the centenary (1923-2023) of their presence in the Dominican Republic, from February 28 to March 5, 2023. During this week of celebrations, a series of commemorative...

Visit to Haiti.

Haití. On April 9, Fr. Gonzalo Fernández, General Prefect of Spirituality, and Fr. Héctor Cuadrado, Major Superior of...

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